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Quest3D - Русскоязычное сообщество > Guest3D > Работа сайта и форума > Problem with activating account
Problem with activating account
(Прочитано 10235 раз)
Mortimer_Kreecjer0900 | * | Новичок | Сообщений: 1 | « 20 Октября 2009, 11:51:07 »
Problem with activating account |
e41af34764ee5c73811a9ac12fdd37d2 Hi Guys, I am newbie in the internet stuff and I dont know if I am writing on correct board on this website. I
   have got problem with activating my account. I received email but when I click on the link it was not working, is this link is correct?  http://guest3d.wohlnet.ru/?e372c0ed901e,
DimiS | **** | Старожил | Сообщений: 284 | «Ответ #1 20 Октября 2009, 14:37:43 »
Re: Problem with activating account |
Hi, as you've been able to create new topic your account is active.
But this is a specific forum about realtime 3d rendering, using specific tool. It is developed to share knowledge between russian speaking community. So i guess it would not be helpfull for you.
Quest3D - Русскоязычное сообщество > Guest3D > Работа сайта и форума > Problem with activating account
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