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Как обновить Quest3D
(Прочитано 22167 раз)
Sonjaaa | Гость |
Как обновить Quest3D |
Всем привет! У меня установлен Quest3D 3.6, и я хотела бы спросить как мне обновить до 3.6.6. Подскажите, please...
Den_ya | **** | Старожил | Сообщений: 360 | «Ответ #1 19 Января 2008, 21:37:51 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
у меня тоже Quest3D 3.6 тоже интересна эта тема,хотя скорее всего все бонально просто нужен Quest3D 3.6.6. и еще интересно чем он отличается? может быть мне и 3.6 хватит пока и не стоит рваться за 3.6.6.
danila_dem | ***** | Модератор | Пользователь | Сообщений: 75 | «Ответ #2 19 Января 2008, 23:59:47 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
нужно было открыть пример, сделанный на 3.6.6, скачал поставил, особых отличий не нашел, ставится рядом, как всегда кстати.

* pusk.png (1.8 Кб, 160x125 - просмотрено 2591 раз.)
KBECT0MAH | ***** | Модератор | Старожил | Сообщений: 434 | «Ответ #3 20 Января 2008, 00:41:49 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Если не планируете открывать чужие исходники и "Квест" работает стабильно, то 3.6 хватит Подмигивающий
Отличия в разных версиях есть, список изменений наверно можно нарыть на оффсайте, думаю они затрагивают
более продвинутые вещи и стабильность, а для начинающего пользователя что 3.6, что 3.6.6 одинаково,
главное что бы работало.

Например у меня версия 3.6 работала глючно, поэтому я поставил 3.6.6.
Sonjaaa | Гость |
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Всем спасибо кто откликнулся!
Решила более подробно разобраться в отличиях 3.6.6 от 3.6. Довольно много исправлений и изменений.
Так что, кому надо качаем Quest3D 3.6.6 отсюда: http://www.quest3d.com/support/download/Quest3D_3_6_6.exe (107.3 Mb)
Устанавливаем и радуемся жизни!  Подмигивающий
Sonjaaa | Гость |
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Quest3D 3.6.6. и еще интересно чем он отличается?

New in 3.6.6
Bug fixes
·   There was a wrong dll depenceny with render to texture instead of d3dx9_25.dll it needed d3dx9_31.dll
·   Nature paintings crash bug fix caused it not to be collapsible anymore
·   This release its SDK is the same as 3.6.5 so you don’t need to recompile for 3.6.6 if your channels have been compiled with 3.6.5

New in 3.6.5
Bug fixes
·   The active x set and get commands had a memory leak.
·   When copying data from arrays with LUA settimestamp was not used. This made some functions not update correctly
·   Fixed several small memory leaks
·   The network channels now have an option to send new player control values when a player logs on. You need to activate this through the network action channel
·   The network channels now handle player logon and destroying better
·   The activex control showed an error when pressing the right mouse button
·   The publisher didn’t detect files other then cgr
·   There was a crash bug in advanced motion data

New in 3.6.4
Bug fixes
·   The command channel now has a command to add nature items
·   Textout had a memory problem when switching fonts.
·   When internet explorer crashes the QuestViewer stays in memory. Now it will remove itself.
·   Motion planning now has an option to recalculate its path if the original position changes
·   Matrix operator create matrix from vector had a problem
·   Network items didn’t always update the player control nr. Now also if a client is not yet connected the player control nr is updated
·   Nature painting would crash if a objectdata was attached which reported 0 vertexes and you would go to edit mode in Quest3D
·   Array channel would not work if the target channel was a public channel. This can only become a public channel if you use the savechanneltobuffer and loadchannelfrombuffer construction
·   Removed Array Table from the template list. The array table should be dragged in from the channellist to ensure it has a unique GUID
·   When deleting a channelgroup all dialogs are now closed
·   Array info value get row count did not work with array channel
·   The start arrow now is drawn last
·   When deleting a shortcut the search and find next shortcut would have a problem
·   You can now remove vertex lighting on imported models
·   SysInfo “Get Original Size of Texture” is now renamed to Get original texture height of internal file” also on a render to texture it will now always return 0
·   Skinned character channel could crash when there was no vertex weight data
·   Skinned mesh now also supports texture matrixes
·   Cull clockwise will now not have effect on the editor
·   When you use a matrix for nature items you can now paint in the moved version
·   When no channel editor was shown yet no current channelgroup could be displayed. This new returns the startgroup
·   The command copy backbuffer to render to texture now will call the render to texture so it will be able to perform initalizations
·   The tooltip window will not position itself a little smarter
·   When you are in fullscreen you can now save the render buffer if you use anti aliasing
·   There was a bug when editing key frames and then advancing to the next frame. It could produce wrong input
·   The minute man command interface was not correctly shown
·   The activex control now should not have a dependency with the visual studio library
·   The activex control now routes messages better to Quest3D viewer. This made typetext work again.
·   The activex control now has a parameter to not check for updates “CheckUpdate”
·   Fixed #0000397: Creating Channel for .NET in VS 2005 does not get additional libs for Aco_String, etc
·   Fixed #0000396: Channel Wizard in VS 2005 gives unresolved external symbols, because wchar_t is treated as native type.
·   Fixed #0000377 ChannelWizard registration procedure gives unnecesary error message when installing on VS2005 (non-breaking error)
·   Fixed #0000412 ChannelWizard Adding a Channel/ChannelDialog to an existing solution resulted in an incorrectly saved solution.
·   Fixed #0000413 ChannelWizard templates for .NET compatible dialog contained errors in the dialog project. Methods for ClickedOK, ClickedCancel and GetIfSupportForCancel were not defined in the .h file.
·   Fixed #0000360 VectorOperator list was not sorted
·   Fixed #0000369 ValueOperator combobox not sorted
·   Fixed #0000097 Array Editor: Added context menu item “Edit Multiline” for text columns, which allows you to edit multiline text.
·   Fixed #0000415 Array Editor/Publish Wizard Dialogs in publisher/array editor contain a questionmark button at upper right
·   Internet channel will not fail if no connection is found instead of trying to attempt and always
·   Render to texture will now work as an alpha channel to a texture. However this is a very slow process and using a dedicated shader is a better solution
·   There was a problem in the database channels where empty items would result in column data being placed in the wrong colomn
·   The sysinfo channel can now return the current width and height of an adjusted texture

New in 3.6.3
·   Fixed a stack overflow problem with array get closest vector
·   Get closest vector now sets the active row to the found row
Bug fixes
·   When attaching a row number of -1 to an array channel Quest3D would loose memory
·   Stencil shadows had a problem when published
·   Added a new activceX dll in the root of the installation directory which does not check for updates
·   Fixed a bug which caused multiple texture problems
·   Added a few files types for texture loading
·   RSS channel would crash if you didn’t attach a URL
·   The viewer thought it was in activex mode and didn’t want to go fullscreen
·   Fixed a jumping problem of the channelgraph with switching from 2 to 1 channelgraph
·   Fixed a problem with public callers which wanted to load its own channelgroup
·   #0000334 [Array Editor] Rounding of entered values was incorrect.. 10,5 is ok but 10,8 will be 10.8000002 and 10,4 is 10.3999996

New in 3.6.2
Bug fixes
·   A message box would pop up when you ran a published screensaver. The box would pop up for any project that did  not use channels developed with Visual Studio 2005
·   The include all channels option during publishing does not include the old tracker drivers anymore. These tracker driver could result in incomplete dll dependencies.

New in 3.6.1
Quest3D 3.6.1 offers a new ocean shader(2.0). The previous ocean shader is still available in the example folder and in the templates. To use the ocean shader please load the example from the example folder. This example shows how to properly set up the texture generation, use the shader in HDR and how to make things float on the ocean.
Known issues
The routine for the automated tessellated grid does not take the XZ movement into account. This means that you can sometimes see the edges of the ocean. Tweak the parameters of the projection to reduce this effect or restrict the range of the camera. This issue does not apply when you use a custom mesh for the ocean.
Bug fixes
·   The hybrid publish system had a bug where not all hybrids where properly analyzed
·   There now is a new channel tool to turn on and off mip mapping on selected textures in the search window
·   Bug fix: Using more then 1000 characters with replace text would cause a crash
·   Loading a mif file could crash Quest3D
·   If a window was opened on a dual screen view and then disabling the second monitor opened the window still at the unseen monitor
·   Changed a presenting problem when a window is being scaled
·   There was a crash bug with textures in the texture window.
·   Added a new option in the motion set dialog to interpret the attached extra matrix in local matrix space. This makes it easier to manipulate bones for characters.
·   Fixed some problems in advanced motion blending
·   If the network was not connected network items would loose memory
·   Fixed a bug with array import not skipping columns
·   #0000325 [Publishing] filename troubles (Upper/Lowercase) Fixed problem where the publisher included only lowercase .cgr extensions. The publisher also copied the files to a website directory in lowercase which gave problems on Unix/Linux webservers.
·   #0000306 [Publishing] The resource manager was not correctly published, which caused errors in the target executable
·   #0000308 [Publishing] The file dialog in the publisher targeted the .q3d file even when targeting an executable
·   #0000313 [Publishing] (See #0000325)
·   #0000292 [Array Editor] [3.6] Array did not function in a web environment
·   #0000258 [Array Editor] Name of Columns The lable of the columns in the array, are now Name : <type>.
·   #0000309 Array operator ‘Highest Value’ always returned 0.00 when negative values were sued.
·   #0000305 [Publishing] Published file seems not to be zipped
.CGR files published to Web or Viewer were not compressed.
·   #0000289 [Array Editor] Quest3D crashed when deleting an array column that was in use by the running engine
·   [Publishing] Added option to add all channels in the published project. This may be handy when the project uses dynamically loaded channel groups and it is unpredictable which channels could possibly be used. See: http://www.quest3d.nl/wiki/index.php?title=Publishing_projects_that_dynamically_load_CGR_files
·   [Motion tracking] Added new channel “Minuteman Command”: Tracker driver for the Polhemus Minuteman motion tracker, see: http://www.quest3d.nl/wiki/index.php?title=Minuteman_Command
·   [Motion tracking] Added new channel “Patriot Command”: Tracker driver for the Polhemus Patriot motion tracker, see: http://www.quest3d.nl/wiki/index.php?title=Patriot_Command
·   [Motion tracking] “FasTRAK Command” Fixed a performance problem on RS232 connections and a bug that caused a crash in Quest3D when connecting to the device twice.
« Последнее редактирование: 20 Января 2008, 06:13:14 от Sonjaaa »
Const_47 | **** | Старожил | Сообщений: 299 | «Ответ #6 21 Января 2008, 22:23:02 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
У меня в 3.6.6 есть очень неприятный глюк, который здорово попортил мне жизнь.
Делал я заказчику одну работенку, проект компилился и при запуске EXE работал, а при выходе красиво так вылетал с EROR и все, комп вис! SDK я не использовал, то есть не я напорол. Использовал токо стандартные каналы и луа. Короче проблема вот в чем - есть такой канал Table. Так вот при использовании Таble в Table приложение
некорректно освобождает ресурсы Грустный((.     
mikl | *** | Постоялец | Сообщений: 123 | «Ответ #7 22 Января 2008, 11:37:03 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
А что такое "Таble"?  Непонимающий Строит глазки
anval | *** | Постоялец | Сообщений: 148 | «Ответ #8 29 Января 2008, 23:48:05 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Всем привет.Обновил до 366 - перестала экспортироваться анимация из 8 макса.А грохать не хочется - охота свежие примерчики с оффорума посматривать.Может кто что подскажет? Грустный
anval | *** | Постоялец | Сообщений: 148 | «Ответ #9 30 Января 2008, 12:18:51 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Разобрался...Нужен экспортер 017 для 366 и 8 макса.Может есть у кого?На оффоруме ссылки не рабочие..
KBECT0MAH | ***** | Модератор | Старожил | Сообщений: 434 | «Ответ #10 30 Января 2008, 13:57:16 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Разобрался...Нужен экспортер 017 для 366 и 8 макса.Может есть у кого?На оффоруме ссылки не рабочие..

Может эти ссылки тебе помогут:
страница в "википедии" - http://www.quest3d.nl/wiki/index.php?title=Quest3DExtensions
прямая ссылка - на свежую бету экспортера (for Quest3D 3.6.6) для 9-го "Макса"
anval | *** | Постоялец | Сообщений: 148 | «Ответ #11 01 Февраля 2008, 18:33:56 »
Re: Как обновить Quest3D |
Нет не подойдет (я их все перековырял).Но все равно спасибо Улыбающийся.
Я в принципе поставил старый и все работает.Пора ,наверное,на 9 макс перейти.
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